Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why America Makes me Happy

I found this article today:

Pole dancing classes - for kids
A fitness instructor is to launch pole dancing classes - for children as young as 11.
Laraine Riddell wants to teach boys and girls to spin up and down on the poles, reports Metro.
Children's charity Kidscape have condemned the move, in Choppington, Northumberland.
The 38-year-old, who also teaches adults to pole dance, believes there is nothing sexual about children learning the moves.
These involve lifting and resistance work which builds youngsters' muscles, she explained.
"It has nothing to do with what you see in strip clubs," said Ms Riddell. "It is a way of getting fit and having fun."
Kidscape director Michele Elliott said: "Pole dancing is an activity where women on stage are given money which is stuck in their underwear. To teach 12-year-old girls pole dancing is out of order.
"I am sure pole dancing is good exercise - but so is stripping. Strippers have great bodies. By all means give the kids exercise, but just skip the poles."

I was thinking that about career night in high school, what if Sundowners Cabernet, or the Bunny Ranch were aloud to attend? That's the problem in America we, as a country aren't providing enough job training to younger women to make it in the Adult arts. I'm glad a community is ready to step up and give there young ladies the skills to make it in the 21st century.


1 comment:

Mike Perry said...

Arrived here from Blogger Forum.

As for kids learning pole dancing: why do 'we' have to sexualise everything nowadays. Children should simply be children.

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