Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My name is JT, I'm on vacation, I'm hungover, I'm sunburned, I'm unhappy, SL and I are fighting again. I thought this would be ok, her and I in a house on vacation, we should really get along. For christ's sake we live together. What is it with putting us in a different state that means we can't get along? The funny thing is I'm not even there yet and I know this will happen. I'm writing this on friday at the library before we go. IJ will post it for me next week. So here is my Miss Cleo like prediction, I'm going to spend the entire next week fighting with my girlfriend. It's going to start small, maybe something like I only drove 3 hours on the way down when she drove 3.5, then it's going to escalate to why don't you get a job, then finally after 14 Bud Lights it's going to be a a big fat, "Why don't you love me anymore?" Solid, my vacation is going to be so much f-ing fun.
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