Friday, December 08, 2006

How Much I hate My life


Thats all I got

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Link Trade

If anyone want to trade links with me, email at

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Its beginning to look a lot like X-mas

So I'm sitting here at my local community college waiting for SL to pick me up, you guessed it we are down to one car (I use the term we loosely because its her car, I just drive it and ride in it every day) and I realized its almost X-mas. I though it may have been getting colder, I considered that the malls were getting more packed, I even realized that the "Wizard of OZ" is on every moment of the day if you have the time to do the searching, so yup its beginning to look a lot like X-mas. Its not that I don't like X-mas, I enjoy the giving, the receiving, the loving, wait I hate X-mas, I was thinking about the last porno I saw, It was fantastic, Black girl, White guy, a midget, 2 dogs, all topped of with sprinkles (right now I'm trying to make light on how much I hate X-mas).

1. Don't get me anything
And yes I mean it, I have everything that I want that anyone I know could afford to give me.
"JT what do you want for X-mas"
"I'm all set"
"Really you must want something"
"Yes mom actually what I want is a Porsche and a lap dance from Lonnie Anderson but since the stock market tanked a couple of years ago I don't see that happening, unless you want to take some time out of your 4 month yearly vacation. Keep playing the broke card Mom its working really well on a man who hasn't worked in 6 months"

2. Don't say you don't need anything because this I'm taking that right to the bank, If you want something then speak up or old JT Kringle will take that money and spend it on a fantastic night drinking, guilt free.

3. X-mas, I hate the term X-mas, I know that I've used it a lot in this post but I love self torture ( I was a cutter) and porn.

4. F-Turkey, every Holiday in my family serves Turkey, Thanksgiving, Turkey, Christmas, Turkey, Easter, Turkey, 4th of July, Turkey how about some roast beef, maybe I'll jut become a Jew that way I don't have to worry about X-mas and I can eat baklava, drink manashevits, and learn how to manage money.

If you don't hear from me soon I've moved to the North Pole to Kick Kris Kringle in the nuts, make out with Mrs. Clause and have a great big reindeer bbq (f-TURKEY).

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