Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Keeping in touch

God I know it’s been a long time, I have so much to say, so much to do, I don’t know where to begin. First I would like to apologize to IL and SN, I have been a bad friend of late, and as I’ve neglected this blog I’ve also neglected them. I do have some pretty good reasons though, I’m moving in two weeks, not far but apartantly it takes a lot of time packing a apartment, when you are not just throwing everything in plastic bags and calling it a day. Second is school is a lot more work then I remember. Then next and final reason is that I really haven’t been going out at night as much as I used to, and if I do its because I’ve been drinking all day and am home by 9:30.

Things in my life that Rock now:
Young chicks (I go to a community college and am the only person there over twenty)
Not feeling like shit every Sunday
Fishing, I love those little fuckers
Online poker, I needed another vice
Having a laptop, the thirty minute drive to my parent every time I wanted to gamble was killing me

So last weekend I had a volleyball tournament and what do I do at volleyball tournaments, I get drunk, and what do I wake up with on Sunday morning, a hangover, and what do I have to do on Sunday, yup a four year olds b-days party at my girlfriends parent house. So I’m thinking fine I’ll go over there eat my face off, drink an entire 2-liter of sierra mist, all of the apple cider and watch some football. So everything goes as planed for the first hour then little Johney wants to open some presents, fine. Mind you that there are about thirty people at this thing so presents are going to take a while. But wait, what is SL’s dad doing? Why is he walking toward the television? Wait, Wait DAMN IT STOP, DON’T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME, DAMN YOU FAT MAN. Yup no TV while junior is opening up his 140 presents, fan fucking tastic. Yup he’s bringing out video camera; now my happiness can be recorded on film for the world to see. Fine so I sit there for a hour and watch him unwrap legos fine and making stupid jokes on how this video is going to create a JT media frezy and I'm going on Oprha. So we’re done, wait what’s he doing, why is he rewinding the video camera? The end of this story was for the next hour on the TV wasn’t football, it was junior unwrapping his presents all over. They could use that Video to extract information from Iraq prisoners.
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