Friday, August 11, 2006

The 48 Year Old Freshman...

Sorry I know you feel alone without me here every week, it's just that lately I haven't really been feeling as witty as I used to. I am going back to school September 5th which will prolong me geting a job any time soon, which is really pretty sweet. I can't wait to talk to some college freshman girl, but not as a boyfriend or brother, I believe I am more of a father figure to them now. I could use cool lines like:
Me: "Wanna go see Pearl jam?"
Her: "Who?"
Me: "I can't wait for Hypercolor to make a come back."
Her: "What?"
Me: "You know, Hypercolor. Those are the shirts we used to wear with our Skids."
Her: "Why are you talking to me?
Me: "Because you remind me of me when I was a kid."
Her: "You smell like booze."

Well that's all for now. You've got to keep them wanting more, IJ and I are going out drinking tonight (SL's on business in Atlanta making herself a better person, plus putting bacon on the table) and when the girls are away, the mice will get shitty drunk, spend too much money, look but not touch, and be overall pretty embarrassed tomorrow. Sweet, sweet action.

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