Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Golden Globes Came Early This Year

"And the winner is"
"Oh My God, Jamie Lee Curtis, NO, Susan Sarandon, NO an unbelievable upset, the winner is SL, JT's unbelievable girlfriend"

(flash too screen, JT's parents going away party last night)
SL walks in the door, greeted by JT
"Don't even talk to me" SL says, then a montages begins, starting with JT going out with his buddies on Tuesday, SL home alone crying wondering when her boyfriend is going to come home, then the screen cuts to SL and JT have comfortable conversation with his parent talking about puppies and there upcoming trip to Florida, there laughting looking like there relationship is on the up and up, finally ending with them spending the entire ride home along with the remainder of the night in silence.

I'm pretty sure that I would rather have my hand cut off for stealing in a Turkish prison than spend another uncomfortable night at home.

What I've realized in many years of relationships is that the uncomfortable, waiting for the big fight , night at home is absolutely unavoidable. You can't leave yet because the big, Ike and Tina Turner fight hasn't happened yet, so what do you do, you sit there and wait for the silence to break. Its like sitting there waiting at the doctor's office for a testicle to be removed because whether it goes good or bad you are going to walk out less of a man.
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