Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I thought you needed more

I know, I know my Monday post was weak, so I thought I would give you something really heart wrenching today. Something that will really take your breath away, ready, set...Bang!!

I think I'm going to be an Olympic bowler I figured its a muscle memory sport, with a little practice I could be on the tour, sponsored by Denny's (I want moons over my Hammy tattooed like a tough guy across my back), then 2012 here I come.

Here are some reasons I would make a great bowler:

1. I need the money, just looked up there stats and it seems like these guy make about $100,000 a year, and I can handle that type of scratch.

2. I'm reasonably unattractive, like all of the other pro-bowlers I've ever seen

3. My wrist action is sweet, come on fella's you know what I mean.

4. they only have a average of 210-220, my best game of bowling is a 192 (in 7th grade) and I hardly ever practiced, a 212 should be no problem in a couple of months.

5. I love bowling groupies, I don't know what that means but when I stop at the PBA tour in St Paul Minnesota I'm getting some groupie tail.


Monday, March 19, 2007

My Life Has Changed Forever

There have been a couple of life changing events that have happened in my life, being born, having sex for the first time (both forced and unforced), getting drunk for the first time and now this video on YouTube

watch it, learn from it, be it...
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