Friday, May 11, 2007

Its been a while

So its been a while, and I don't think anyone really cares. I didn't receive any "where have you been?" comments or "are you still alive or did that pack of homeless people finally catch up to you" emails. Come of all six people that were on this site Tuesday how about some fuckin compassion. I compiled a deep list of good things that I bring to the table, good things, thing that you want around, things that you should care about.

1. I'm genuinely funny, not a lot of people can say that truthfully, but I am. And not creepy funny either (unless I'm hammered) Ha Ha funny.

2. A black man member, come on bitches you know what I'm talking about.

3. No car so I'm helping the environment, actually SL has sport utility vehicle some I'm just trying to average out the pollution level of our apartment.

4. a big penis, see #2

That's it, I can't think of anything else, I have 4 redeeming qualities, fantastic. Now I know all six of you where expecting more out of this post but lets face it, what can you expect from a man who can only think up 4 good things to say about himself, not much.

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