Friday, December 08, 2006

How Much I hate My life


Thats all I got


zandperl said...

Chin up, I've know a bunch of people w/ the initials JT and they're always awesome people. I'm sure you're cool too! ^_^

freaker126 said...

If you hate your life, change it for the better! The power lies in you. You are the only person in the world that can change things around. Sometime, I hate my life as much as you but I try to lift myself up as noone else around me will. GO out do something worthwhile. Do something good for yourself. Look around you, you will soon realize others have it much worse then you! Try to help your community. Help the blind, gave to the poor. Help the crippled. There's so much to life that you can give and receive. It ain't over till it's over. You're only finish when you're dead!

Good luck!

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