Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Sorry very sorry, I know I'm a bad person, I know that the 6 people who read this are just dieing for a post one of these days. Well here it comes baby.

I wish I could tell you I got drunk last night, I wish I could tell you that I got so drunk last night and spat on a homeless guy, then kicked his homeless dog while stealing all the money out of his homeless change can, but I can't. I didn't get drunk last night, I didn't even watch American idol.

But I did read "Running with scissors", great book, except for that graphic gay sex scenes, not the good girl on girl sex scenes but the bad old man on young boy sex scenes. Not that I have anything against the "gays", hell I don't even care if they get married I just would appreciate there anal staying out of my pleasure reading. That why I've come up with a top ten list of things that I would like to read about, so if anyone has a book covering these subjects let me know.

10. Gambling
9. Drugs and booze
8. My ex boss George being thrown into a wood chipper
7. sweet, sweet girl on girl action
6. Vegas
5. Get rich quick books, that actually work that require little or no effort. I've always wanted to be a part of a good pyramid scheme.
4. I fountain of youth
3. How to get my girlfriend off of a diet that I can't eat pasta on
2. Self help "how I can become a better lover" or "Sex for dummies"
1. Myself, I want to know if anyone out there has written a book just on me.

That's it you've been waiting for a month for that, pretty disappointing.

JT out

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