Monday, January 29, 2007

Here we go

I'm getting a little sick of people not pimping this website like I do. So I've compiled a list of things that I will do, and will post pictures of if I can get 10,000 hits in one day.

1. Make out with a dog, there's one in the house who is just dieing for some affection.
2. try to drink a gallon of milk in one hour, now I know this is stupid, but the pictures that I will post is me throwing up said milk from a second floor balcony, not wearing any pants.
3. going to a tanning booth and becoming more sun burnt than any of you thought humanly possible. Also, across my ass in sunblock I'll write and moon a female police officer.
4. Drink a liter of whiskey and punching a stranger preferably over 60 years old, while being video taped.

Thinks of how fun this could be, everyone would get to read my babble, plus probably get me arrested. Come on folks lets put together a great big group effort.

So that's what I got, this is how I fill my work day.


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